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Announcement Winter Semester 2020/21


Dear students,

we hope you are all doing well, enjoying the semester break and keeping up in this still difficult and unpredictable situation. We are happy to welcome you and can’t wait to experience the coming semester with many discussions and interesting topics together with you.

You might be wondering how the next semester will fold out and what the courses will cover in terms of content.  We would therefore like to inform you about the following:

1.  At the moment we are not aware whether our courses will take place on campus as classroom teaching or via a digital format. We will inform you in due time on our various platforms.                                                                                                                                                              

2. We are very busy during the semester break preparing all courses for the coming semester. We will upload a semester overview as well as the materials for each unit on the e-learning platforms in due course.

3. Additionally, we offer digital open hours every Wednesday from 2-4 pm. Please register with africanlegalstudies@uni-bayreuth.de one day ahead and let us know how we can assist you.

4. We would also like to highlight to you other courses of the English Legal Curriculum which could be of your interest. Check out the faculty’s offer under https://www.english-legal-curriculum.uni-bayreuth.de/en/index.html.

We are looking forward to the next semester despite all remaining ambiguities.

Your African Legal Studies Team